Test 2023

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Streamlining Ad Content Creation with Automated Processes

Client: Leading advertising agency
Region: Europe
Industry: Marketing
UiPath Products: Studio, Orchestrator, Robot
Integrations: ChatGPT, Microsoft Designer


Reduction in time needed to generate content


Employee time saved

One of the leading players in the advertising industry in Europe faced a significant challenge in their daily operations. The agency was tasked with creating hundreds of Google and Facebook ads each day, including the generation of product descriptions and images.

The agency’s creative team, responsible for producing ad content, was grappling with the growing demand for high-quality, personalized ad creatives. As the workload increased, it became evident that the manual creation of product descriptions and images was not scalable. The need for a more efficient and automated solution became crucial to maintain the pace and quality of their ad production.

AI-powered ad creation

To address the challenges posed by manual content creation, the customer implemented an innovative solution leveraging automation and AI technologies. The key components of the solution included the implementation of UiPath unattended bot, ChatGPT, and Microsoft Designer.